Monday, January 5, 2009

Deployment Day 7

I missed a call today...DOH! i've been SO obsessive with ALWAYS having my phone with me. I go to take a shower...i bring it in the bathroom, i go upstairs to put the kids to bed, i put in my pocket, i move from the kitchen to the living room, i bring my phone with me. So we were out and about this morning running errands adn stuff. i dind't want to leave it in my purse b/c i can't hear it in there, and I figured even if i did hear it, it was in the back seat. i figured i wouldn't be able to get it in time. SO i put it in the cupholder next to me. Then we went to McDonalds for lunch and to play a little. and i LEFT. IT. IN. THE. CAR. He left me 2 messages and he sounded so dissapointed and sad :( I feel SOOOOOOOO bad. Massive Fail.

other than that, it was just another day. we went to a short playdate on post at this indoor playground that was pretty neat. I think we'll go back tomorrow. then we had an appointment at WIC. I forgot all the stuff we needed and got NOTHING accomplished there. then we did McDonalds adn the kids had a blast. The little one LOVED playplace. she wanted to do it all by herself and did NOT want to leave. too funny. The big one had fun too. There were 2 parts of the playplace that he was too little to do by himself, but he did everything else on his own. That's NOT something he usually likes to do. He tends to be very reserved at those things...I'm not sure why. He was SUPER excited that he got a big Shrek toy in his Happy meal. LOL

OH and when we were leaving WIC i asked him if he was hungry and you know what my little genius told me?? "My tummy's growling" i have NO CLUE where he got that from. I never say it. Too Funny..

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